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  1. Конкурс Чайковского, скрипка

    Хороший уровень!Думаю победит Майю Кишма,самая настоящая игра на мой вкус.
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  2. Red alert

    German Customs and the Finance Ministry are making it clear to all concerned that anyone carrying a musicаl instrument is required to pass through the RED channel when entering the country and the instrument is deemed to be used for commercial (professional) purposes.

    Papers have to be supplied to the customs authorities showing the value of the instrument and it has to be declared to the customs agents. They are suggesting that everyone should obtain an ATA carnet to speed up proceedings.

    All artists and orchestras on tour should be aware that when travelling in and out of Germany they have to declare their instruments with the proper papers through the RED customs exit.
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  3. Паганини

    Вот нашел статью в журнале "STRAD".Текст я уверен не нуждается в переводе.Никто не сомневается,что почтенное собрание без труда поймет или переведет текст.

    Our knowledge of the day-to-day activities of past musical and literary figures is generally remote. Small shafts of light are revealed by diligent searching. The Lord Chamberlain’s records on 3 September 1674 reveal an order to pay £24 to two musicians of His Majesty for two violins bought for them for His Majesty’s Service in the Chapel Royal. In the bill, signed by Henry Purcell, no mention is made of the makers of these instruments. Henry Purcell it would appear was something of a Jack-of-all-trades, undertaking tasks from the maintenance of wind and string instruments to engaging and the supervision of trade and craftsmen. His role as one of the greatest early composers is not given mention. In April 1662 John Banister, one of the best English violinists ...

    Обновлено 16.04.2008 в 19:24 VIOLAIL

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